Whilst windows are usually areas where the coldest temperature comes into a room it doesn’t make sense to locate a Süka heater there if you have curtains which then block the heat from being radiated into the room. Our trained consultants will advise the best positioning for your chosen 3 heater for each room.
Remember, cold air sinks to the floor and will eventually be sucked into the ribbed front and back of the Süka heater to get warmed up. The thermostat feeler/sensor is located at floor level and measures the air temperature there, so the heater will automatically adjust to the situation. Similarly, if during the winter the sun shines into the room, the thermostat shuts the Süka heater off until more heat is required. This is a great difference in comparison to night storage heaters, which are not able to be switched off and you can only control the temperature in your room by opening windows to let the excess heat out or closing the curtains to keep the sun out!